Thursday, November 10, 2005

Flippin' Yo Lids n' Sheeeeeit.

Brother Nick sent me this link, so I thought I'd dick around with it. It WASTES IMMEASURABLE AMOUNTS OF TIME. So be careful. But I want to see what other people come up with (since you're all creative types with funniness and things of that sort). And I like to be entertained.

I really do.

Here's the one I did. I did another one, which liked MUCH better, but Flipbook flipped the script on me and the load-up barfed all over the place. So an hour's worth of painstaking work was burned to digital cinders, and replaced by something much simpler. Thems the breaks. Word to that.

A-lot of the other ones are just some fourteen year-old drawing pirates with big dicks, skull-fucking poorly drawn naked women, ending with the word "FART" written like chicken scratch across the screen (so fast you have to watch it like, fifteen times to figure out the plot and read the ending word) Here's a good one I found. Violence is the answer.

I want to see YOURS. (your flipbook, you dirty, dirty such-and-such)


Fist of Trueness said...

This is Ramdung's right here.

Debbie said...


I just looked at your flip book. I chose "slow" for the speed and it is melded perfectly with the music I am listening to. It's like my own little video

Debbie said...

OK, Here is my first one, but i plan to male a MILLION

it's called Exploding Womb

Fist of Trueness said...

Dungsta, I don't understand yours, but the list of things in this world which are beyond my comprehension is limitless. Sad, but true.

Debbie, yours is short and sweet. Well, if one considers the bursting of an enlarging amniotic sack to be "sweet". And I do.

Sean said...

I'm scared to even start one of those. But I'm sure I will. Ten hours later, my computer will crash, destroying my masterpiece in the process.

Dung, Debbie- great stuff.

Debbie said...

Dungsta, I was listening to some deep soulfull house music.

The song was called "Satisfaction" by Jessie Outlaw and it is from my Funk and Soul compliation CD I got along with my unlimited pass from the Funk and Soul Festival here in Montreal, because I'm press, and being press has it's privilidges!

Girl With An Alibi said...

dude, i just don't have the patience. I like yours though. :)

Glitzy said...

Hoo hoo! I can't wait to make one!